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The National Dental Association Foundation (NDAF) is committed to advancing oral health equity by fostering diversity among students and faculty, driving scientific research, and promoting oral health awareness. We believe that our greatest impact is achieved through enduring collaborations with organizations that share our mission.
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Supporting the Dental Community
of dedicated service

Our primary efforts include:

Easing the
Cost Burden
of dental education for African American and other historically underrepresented minority students.
Advancing Oral Healthcare
research and expanding the scientific understanding of oral health and disease.
the longstanding underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minority students and faculty in the oral health fields
Supporting Innovative Strategies

that improve oral health behaviors and outcomes in African American and systematically under-resourced communities.

NDAF's programs are designed to achieve the following goals
  • Increase Scholarship and Fellowship Support: Provide expanded financial assistance for members of SNDA, USNDA, NDHA, and NDAA.
  • Enhance Research Capacity: Strengthen oral health research capabilities and scholarly impact at Howard University College of Dentistry and Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry, driving innovation that improves patient outcomes and community health, and broadens our understanding of oral diseases and the social determinants of oral health disparities and inequities.
  • Advance Career Development and Enrichment: Offer robust career development opportunities for historically underrepresented faculty and provide enrichment and mentorship programs for SNDA, USNDA, NDHA, and NDAA students.
  • Strengthen Oral Health Professions Career Pathways: Expand and enhance pathway programs for precollege, college, and postbaccalaureate students from historically underrepresented minority groups.
  • Promote Community Health and Education: Broaden the reach and effectiveness of community health education and promotion initiatives sponsored by the NDA and its affiliates.
Student Testimonials
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Support Our Efforts

The NDAF’s work is powered by the generous support of individuals and corporate partners who share our commitment to equity and excellence. Through our scholarship initiatives, research projects, career enrichment and pathway programs, and community health and education activities, we remain steadfast in our commitment to building healthier, more vibrant communities of color. Your support can help us expand our reach and deepen our impact. To learn more about the NDAF, our initiatives, and how you can make a difference, click here.

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